Breakfast Club
We hold a daily breakfast club, which is open every weekday from 7.50am.
During breakfast club the children get the opportunity to have breakfast where there is toast and cereal available daily. They have time to play with friends and get involved in the activities available, both inside and outside.
At 8.50 a.m. they are then taken to their classes, to start the school day.
Breakfast club costs £1.50 per session per child for child care and a meal. This is payable in advance weekly or termly on Parent Pay, we are not able to accept cash.
There is no need to book in advance, just bring your children into the school hall and the team will welcome you.
By sending your children to breakfast club you are agreeing to:
- The Schools policies (which are available on our website)
- To pay for your child’s place in advance, preferably one week in advance.
- Where ‘ad-hoc’ bookings are made, ensure that payment is made before or on the day of your child’s attendance at Breakfast Club.
- Payments being made online through Parent Pay.
- Support the School in its adherence to policies, namely our Administration of Medicines and Behaviour
- The Breakfast Club’s policy of only issuing refunds where Breakfast Club is cancelled by the School.
- Report all absences from school to the school office as in normal practice.
- The understanding that all consents already given to school extend to Breakfast Club (eg photograph consent).
- First aid being carried out by a trained first aider as per the school’s policy if required.
We will:
- Report any general news about the Breakfast Club via the School’s weekly newsletter.
- Notify you of any changes to the charges and give 4 weeks notice before implementing these changes.
- Notify you via text message as early as is practicable of any cancellation of the Breakfast Club and refunds will be given in such instances.