Vision and Values
Courage – Respect – Forgiveness – Kindness – Hope – Fairness
Our Vision:
We are distinctively Christian in our ethos and outlook and are inclusive of all. At the heart of our school are our Christian values. We welcome those of all faiths and none to shine their lights brightly, celebrating joys, failures and successes in partnership with parents and the community. In our school, we have four core principles that govern everything we do, and every decision we make, always underpinned by the Christian values of Courage, Respect, Forgiveness, Kindness, Hope and Fairness. This document explains our core principles and lets you know what you can expect from our school. These values and principles influence our curriculum, our relationships and our provisions and you will be able to recognise these influences when you speak to us or come into school.
Developing open-mindedness and spiritual awareness
What do we mean by this? It’s about encouraging children to have the spirit to persevere, show moral courage and represent their values in their everyday life. Motivating them to want to help others and share in their joys, failures and successes. Showing them how to appreciate the beauty and the wonder of the world. Supporting them in becoming deep thinkers who can ask and seek answers to questions. Spirituality will be developed intentionally but not forced on any individual – but equally, cannot be left to chance and circumstance. We will make sure that our children have a range of meaningful experiences, thought-provoking lessons and conversations and many opportunities to explore, question and investigate.
Personalising the curriculum and learning experience for each child
Personalisation means treating every child as an individual and seeking to develop that individual as fully and as profoundly as possible. It means responding to their learning needs by creating provision that is relevant and appropriate to their age and ability and which takes account of the wide range of learning styles. The curriculum will be linked to the children’s interests and build upon their previous experience, giving them the opportunity to discover and develop their individual skills and talents and achieve their potential.
Fostering a culture of inclusion
Our school will foster a culture of inclusion in which children of every background will be welcomed, nurtured and developed. This commitment is inspired, informed and underpinned by the core Christian values. All children will have an entitlement to a learning environment that will give them equal access to a curriculum that addresses their individual learning needs. All staff will be engaged in continuous professional development so that they are excellent practitioners and can deliver the educational entitlement to children of all abilities. Inclusion is more easily achieved when the children can contribute their ideas about their learning and the organisation of the school, so there will be a variety of opportunities for pupil voice to be developed.
Partnerships with other community and church schools, the Diocese, the Local Authority and the wider community
These partnerships will enhance social cohesion, encourage lifelong learning, provide a supportive network and create opportunities that will enrich the learning experience for children. Relationships with parents will be centrally important and make a significant contribution to the children’s learning, wellbeing and progress. Our school wishes to play a full part in contributing to the local network of schools, sharing ideas and good practice and taking advantage of all the opportunities collaboration can bring, in order to be the best that we can be.